ENSUEÑOS is a visual and sound installation that invites you to enter an immersive sensory and emotional space, in a poetic journey, to look and listen about Nature. With this project, we invite to share the path of light and knowledge of women belonging to the communities of First Nations present from the South to the North of the Andes Cordillera in Argentina.
With their songs in their native languages, in dialogue with the birds and sounds of different territories, these women invite us to reconnect with the earth. In complementarity, the men accompany this journey with their instruments and their sounds. Exploring an imaginary path, the spectators vibrate the ancestral feminine and masculine energies of a living cultural heritage.
“Voices, songs, sounds of nature and birds interact to create emotions and inner images in each of us. A way to discover other perceptions of reality. An invitation to raise awareness of the importance of protecting nature, caring for our hearts and our souls. Ensueños is a walk to share to receive the vibrations of the invisible world.” Severine Fontaine
Investigations in Tierra del Fuego, Rio Negro, Neuquen, Catamarca, Tucuman, Jujuy
Presentaciones work in progress en communities diaguitas Amaicha del Valle and Los Morteritos-Las Cuevas, August 2022 and new participations with woman from Jujuy / Presentation audio ready to listen (duration 40 min)
Residence in Al Cultural San Martin, Buenos Aires, 2022
Creation 2024 France – Argentine
Tierra Del Fuego (Rio Grande, Ushuaïa) – Selk’nams, Huilliche
Margarita Maldonado, Maria Salamaca, Mirta Salamanca, Alicia Santa Cruz (Selk’nams)
Flor Alvarado Alvarez (descendiente Huilliche)
Rio Negro – Neuquen (Bariloche, Villa La Angostura) – Mapuches
Maria Isabel Huala, Piren Manke Huala, Mirta Cecilia Cornelio
Catamarca (Los Morteritos Las Cuevas, Barranca Larga) – Diaguitas
Tomasa Pereira, Fabiola Cruz, Emilia Cruz,
Maria Villagra, Marta Glady Chaile, Celia Alveana Miranda
Tucumán (Ampimpa, Salas, Amaïcha del Valle) – Diaguitas calchaquíes
Josefa Navarro, Gloria Navarro, Silvia Navarro,
Felisa Yapura, Liliana Cruz, Josefa Agustina Fabian de Cata, Nicole Sol Lopez Cata,
Celia Marina Andrade, Ernestina Balderrama, Angela Balderrama,
Lucia & Iara Tolaba, Erica Georgina Suarez
Jujuy (Maimara, Tilcara) – Kollas, Fiscaras, Tilcaras
Josefina Aragón (de Bolivia, kolla), Victoria Elide Lamas (Comunidad de Barrancas), Guadalupe Tolaba (comunidad Cerro Bayo), Sonia Verónica Pérez (comunidad los Fiscaras), Ana Maria Gimenez (Comunidad Quitara Huacalera)
Conception and creative direction Séverine Fontaine
With voices and songs of native woman in Argentine
With their objects and materials from ancestral art
With the participation of men of indigenous communities
Collaboration of sound design Rocio Morgenstern
Collaboration of scenography Maria Bressanello
Technical direction Martin Arcidiacono